Health when flying

Healthy on vacation or business trips

When it comes to travel, and especially air travel, the health of the traveler is also a special focus. You can find all the important information here!

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The well-being of passengers is close to the hearts of all airlines. Flying does not pose any particular risks directly. Nevertheless, there are special things to consider. We have summarized all the interesting information on this topic for you here.

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Risiko Thrombose

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Diseases that are rare to non-existent in your local area can be widespread in faraway countries. Therefore, there are travel vaccinations to protect against dangerous infectious diseases. Inform yourself here!

Bakterien und Viren im Flugzeug

Vacation - for many the most beautiful time of the year. But before the relaxation on the beach begins, you usually have to get a few hours of flying behind you. Crammed with numerous other people in a relatively narrow airplane cabin, this is sometimes more, sometimes less fun. Especially when you think about the fact that during this time you share both breathing air and sanitary facilities with your fellow passengers. But how "contagious" can such a flight actually become and what should you absolutely pay attention to? We have found out for you in the following article.

Are there any health aspects to flying?

Besides the known radiation exposure, there are a few aspects to consider when flying to preserve your own health. Often the flights go at night and your own biorhythm is out of sync and you are often careless and can stumble. Not to mention that medical care in many popular travel countries is not as high as in Central Europe. During the trip, pain in the musculoskeletal system and even thrombosis can occur due to the tight seating conditions. However, with the right preparation and generally a healthy lifestyle a feasible task. One should not underestimate however that a longer journey represents quite a load for the body and one should allow oneself before and afterwards sufficient recovery phases. Drinking enough and not eating heavily also makes life easier.

Relaxing trip

Probably most people do not manage to sleep during a flight. The seats are too uncomfortable, the noise level and the disturbances that also occur during the night. However, the little sleep is not at all conducive to many people. Therefore one should for example do without the journey by the car or before beginning the homeward journey before the airport still sufficiently recover. Many people are afraid of flying or have a queasy feeling about turbulence, but the real dangers lurk during the overtired drive home by car after a long flight. We recommend that you plan for a few hours of rest before you drive home, as there are many places to stay near the airports.

What are the health hazards of flying?

During flight, there are some health risks to be aware of. These include:

  • Deep vein thrombosis: Lack of exercise during a flight increases the risk of thrombosis in the legs. To reduce the risk, regular exercise should be taken during the flight or, in the case of high-risk groups, special compression stockings should be worn
  • Dehydration: The air in the cabin is drier than normal breathing air, which can lead to dehydration. Therefore, drink enough water during the flight to stay dehydrated. However, in moderation, otherwise you are a regular guest in the toilet.
  • Jet lag: The time difference when flying across several time zones can lead to sleep disturbances and fatigue. Try to adapt to the new time zone by adjusting your sleeping and eating rhythm accordingly.
  • Air pressure problems: The air pressure in the cabin can fluctuate during the flight, which can cause ear pain, dizziness or even ear infections. If you suffer from ear problems, you should do something to help equalize the pressure, such as chewing gum or using earplugs.
  • Contaminated air: Although rare, the air in the booth may be contaminated with fungal spores or other pollutants. People with weakened immune systems or certain lung problems should be aware of this.
  • Radiation: long-haul flights also mean a higher dose of cosmic radiation that you don't have on Earth, but there are no known adverse health effects from normal exposure to radiation during flights.
  • Psyche: Some people are afraid of flying. The prospect of a nice vacation, however, makes many take the step into the airplane. However, one must not underestimate what then turbulence or a harder landing triggers for fears.

Most of these risks are rare and the benefits of flying outweigh the known potential risks. However, if you have any health concerns, you should consult your physician before flying.

Risk of injury on board an aircraft?

There are many potential injury hazards aboard an aircraft that can occur during flight as well as during boarding and deplaning. These include, for example:

  • Falls: Accidents while walking on the aircraft floor or climbing stairs. This also tends to happen at airports.
  • Objects: Injuries caused by objects flying around and not properly secured during turbulence.
  • Seat belts: Injuries caused by not wearing seat belts during turbulence.
  • Emergency landings: Injuries caused by inadequate or lack of safety precautions during emergency landings or accidents.
  • Sitting: Muscle and joint injuries from sitting in confined spaces for long periods of time.

It is important to follow instructions of flight personnel without fail and to familiarize yourself with the safety precautions of the aircraft before the flight in order to minimize the risk of injury.