Fly safely! Everything on the subject of safety!

The airplane is the safest means of transportation!

For many, flying is associated with a queasy feeling; the thrust alone when the plane takes off makes everyone feel their own powerlessness. For many, the thought of being at the mercy of the skills of others is almost unbearable. On the other hand, for no other industry is the safety of your operations and the reliability of the materials used as essential as for aviation. There is a lot of emphasis on security on the ground as well, and airports are heavily monitored areas. Nevertheless, don't let your luggage out of your sight at the airport; for thieves, travelers are a worthwhile target.

Boeing 737

Which airline has had the most crashes? Which airlines have never been involved in an accident? We have all the facts, figures and data on accidents involving aircraft.

Sicherheit von Flugzeugen

Can an aircraft crash or even tear off its wings due to turbulence? How high is the risk of injury and what is the correct course of action? All answers

Boeing 787

Boeing's Dreamliner, the 787 is a long-haul aircraft known for its safety. We have all the data on accidents and crashes.

Bei Gewitter fliegen

How safe is the Boeing 737 series? What are the accident statistics and how often has this type crashed and how many people were injured?

Flugmodus Absturzgefahr

If we don't turn off our cell phones on board an airplane, we automatically interfere with the electronics and cause the plane to crash. But is that even true? We have investigated.

Tipps fürs Handgepäck

The fact that traveling by air is very safe has now been proven many times over. But what are the safest types of aircraft in the world?

Close maintenance, improve designs and check material

For aircraft manufacturers, the fact that airlines rely on safe aircraft types means that designs are constantly improved and aircraft are closely maintained. Even the smallest incidents, such as the breakage of a component, are meticulously investigated and entire fleets are called in for inspection. The aircraft industry, essentially Boeing vs. Airbus, relies on two basic ideas, one is meticulous maintenance, the other is redundancy, i.e. all important parts are at least duplicated, in important places even triplicated. This approach ensures that if one part fails, the function of the system remains unaffected. The components themselves - right down to the smallest screw - are specified and approved for their area of application. They are also subject to a fixed period of use, after which they are replaced during maintenance, regardless of their condition. This is worthwhile, since aircraft are used safely for many years. All airlines, including low-cost carriers, are subject to maintenance intervals.

Do you feel safe on an airplane?
No, I am a little queasy already
16,92 %
No, but nothing will happen
66,15 %
Yes, airplanes are a safe mode of transport
16,92 %
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Result from 65 of answers given

Flight staff well trained and always concerned about safety

Particular importance is attached not only to the inspection of equipment, but also to the permanent training of flight personnel. Pilots are additionally tested every two years for their skills in all conceivable flight situations. In rigorous simulator tests, they must demonstrate their ability to perform a wide variety of flight maneuvers. For some airports, pilots need additional training. Although many of the challenging landing runways, such as Hong Kong or Funchal, have been defused by building new runways or extending existing ones, dangerous weather situations, such as strong crosswinds or monsoon rains, are practiced so frequently with the help of the flight simulator that an automatic correct reaction is set in case of an emergency. These automated incident procedures are especially important during the most dangerous phases of flying, takeoff and landing.
Flight attendants are also trained on proper incident response. Be sure to follow their instructions, which are also intended to make your flight as pleasant and safe as possible. Even the request on your cell phone to activate the flight mode has the purpose of not disturbing the radio communication with the tower during landing and take-off. Tell the flight attendants if you suffer from fear of flying, they have learned in their own training to calm nervous passengers and will keep a watchful eye on you.

Why is flying by plane so safe?

Flying commercial aircraft is so safe because there are a number of factors that help minimize risks. These include regular aircraft maintenance and inspection, pilot training and qualifications, adherence to flight procedures and regulations, and the availability of technologies such as air traffic control systems and automatic emergency systems on board aircraft.

The risk of an aircraft crash is very low. According to statistics from the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the chance of being killed on a flight is about 1 in 4.7 million. This means that on average, you would have to make about 4.7 million flights before you are killed in a crash. In comparison, the probability of being killed in a car accident is around 1 in 5,000. This shows that flying is significantly safer than other everyday activities.

Most common cause of aircraft crashes when technical problems occur?

One of the most common causes of aircraft crashes due to technical problems is engine failure. Other possible causes may include flight control failures, problems with electronics, or structural weaknesses in the aircraft. However, it is important to note that aircraft crashes are usually due to a combination of factors and that the exact cause can only be determined after a thorough investigation of the incident.

Frequently asked questions

What is most dangerous when flying?
The journey by car to the airport, one would like to answer jokingly. Most incidents happen during landing and takeoff, but these usually have little impact.
What is the accident rate in civil aviation?
The number has been consistently low for several years; according to the International Aviation Authority, it is 0.23 fatal accidents per 1 million flights.
Do low-cost airlines save on aircraft maintenance?
No, maintenance intervals are mandatory for all airlines. Many low-cost airlines are on the list of those that have never had a crash.
Has a plane ever crashed because of a cigarette on board?
It is very rare for an aircraft to crash because of a cigarette on board. However, there are cases where smoking on board aircraft has contributed to accidents. A famous example is the crash of Swissair plane 111 in 1998, which killed 229 people. The investigation found that smoking in the back of the plane likely started a fire that spread to the cockpit and electronics, eventually leading to the crash. Smoking aboard aircraft has been banned for many years to prevent such accidents. It is important to adhere to the ban on smoking aboard aircraft to ensure the safety of all passengers and flight personnel.